A user in Salesforce Marketing Cloud needs to have the required permissions to be able to use all functionalities in DESelect. We suggest creating a role with the required permissions and assigning this role to the DESelect users.
1. Create Role:
- In Salesforce Marketing Cloud, go to: Setup > Administration > Users > Roles
- Click Create
- Under Name, enter DESelect User
- Assign the following permissions:
(Top Level)
(2nd level)
(3rd level or more)
Permission |
Additional Remarks |
Automation Studio |
Automation |
- |
Execute (API) |
Create |
View |
Update |
Data Extension
Create |
View |
Update |
Delete |
Recommended: This permission can be disabled for Standard and Marketing Users which will prevent them from being able to delete a DE in DESelect. In case a user who has this permission disabled tries to delete a DE, they will see an API permission failed error. |
Manage Data |
Manage Data Retention |
Transfer Ownership |
Export |
Export to Desktop |
Salesforce Data Extension
Create |
View |
Update |
Delete |
Manage Data |
Manage Data Retention |
Transfer Ownership |
Clear Data |
Import |
Export |
Export to Desktop |
Activities -> Query
Create |
View |
Update |
Delete |
Recommended: This permission can be disabled for DESelect Users and will prevent them from being able to delete query activities in DESelect. In case a user who has this permission disabled tries to delete a Query Activity in DESelect, they will see an API permission failed error.
We recommend Standard Marketing Users and Test Users to move suchlike selections to Archived Selections in DESelect, where Power Cloud users (with this permission can delete them. |
Start |
Shared Folders
Shared Data Extension Folders
View |
Move |
Delete |
Recommended: This permission can be disabled for DESelect Users and will prevent them from being able to access Shared Data Extensions in DESelect. In case a user who has this permission disabled tries to access a Shared Data Extension, they will not be able to see it. |
Rename |
Create Sub Folder |
Share |
Shared Salesforce Data Extension Folders
View |
Move |
Delete |
Rename |
Create Sub Folder |
Share |
Why are these permissions needed?
The permissions related to Automation Studio are needed for DESelect to be able to create and run the Query Activities that contains the SQL queries that DESelect builds in the backend.
The permissions related to Email Studio are needed for DESelect to create and read different types of Data Extensions.
Important Note!
While assigning the users with the DESelect User role, make sure they do not have permissions from other roles that overwrite the DESelect User permissions. In such a case, a user with conflicting permissions might get an 'API Permission Failed' error.
Next Step 4: Set up User Access to DESelect Segment in SFMC
Related Articles:
Giving users access to DESelect Segment without certain access to Automation Studio
How to work with DESelect disabling Automation Studio
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