When using the Import Journey feature in DESelect Engage, you have the option to automate retries for all relevant Sends in your Journey without manually adding additional Engage components in Journey Builder.
You'll be able to customize how many times you want to retry sending a given Send to a customer that was previously considered saturated and therefore excluded from the send, and specify the wait time between attempts.
How to enable Automate Retry?
1. Follow this article to start the process of Importing a Journey.
2. Toggle the Automate Retry button on.
3. Set how many times you want DESelect Engage to reach out to excluded contacts again.
4. Click Import.
In the example below, DESelect Engage will do a Send to included contacts on day 1 (03/04/2024). On day 3 (06/04/2024), it reviews previously excluded contacts. Those who now meet the criteria will be included. Then, after 3 more days, on day 6 (09/04/2024) another re-evaluation will happen with the same procedure.
This way, contacts receive the Send as soon as they can receive it without hitting the limits defined in the rules. If a contact is oversaturated, they will be excluded from a Send, but they can be re-evaluated 3 days later and subsequently after 6 days.
Below, you’ll find an example illustrating the Journey's transformation both before and after activating Automate Retry (retry 2 times every 3 days).
Before activation:
After activation:
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