Demo Data Package Scenarios
- 1. Select Contacts that have not received any emails in the last 14 days
- 2. Exclude Contacts in a Data Extension from a campaign
- 3. Select Accounts that don't have any Orders in the last 30 days
- 4. Select Orders from the last 6 months
- 5. Select Order Lines for certain Products
- 6. Select Accounts filtered on country, revenue and number of employees
- 7. Select the Contacts with an email from a given domain
- 8. Select the Products in one of several Product Families
- 9. Select Accounts without Contacts
- 10. Select Contacts that are known Subscribers
- 11. Select Contacts with the Company Name of the Account they are related to
- 12. Add results of one Selection to the results of another Selection - Data Action Append
- 13. Get the Order Line with the highest Quantity for each Product (basic deduplication)
- 14. Get the Order Line with preferred Products (basic deduplication with defined values)
- 15. Get the preferred Order Line based on complex rules (advanced deduplication)
- 16. Get the Accounts of which the highest value Order has an amount of more than 1000 euro
- 17. Get the Accounts of which the lowest value Order has an amount of less than 100 euro
- 18. Get Accounts with more than 1 Order
- 19. Get Accounts that have an average Order size of more than 50 euro
- 20. Get the Accounts that in total have more than 50 euro in Orders
- 21. Add a fixed value to your results
- 22. Add a dynamic value to your results
- 23. How can I add a timestamp to my data?
- 24. Calculate Date Difference
- 25. Tranform date fields
- 26. Match Contacts with Orders on multiple fields
- 27. How to get 50 random customers?
- 28. Get a Contact's First Name in Camel Case
- 29. Find how many orders each customer placed
- 30. Get customers for birthday campaign