In your Salesforce Marketing Cloud account over AppExchange and click on DESelect Segment.
Overview of DESelect
When you open DESelect you will see a Home page.
Here you can find Selections that you or your colleagues created. You can edit the existing Selections, copy them, or remove them.
You can search for Selections using the search bar.
How do I create my first Selection?
Provide a name for your Selection
Enter the Selection name of your choice in the Enter name field. Note that * is an indication that the field is mandatory. Once this Selection has been named, you can always rename it later on.
Save the Selection to a folder
It is not mandatory to save the Selection in a specific folder, however, if you wish to do so, this is also possible. Click on the folder icon to start navigating the folder structure and choose where you want to save the Selection.
In DESelect Segment, you can create subfolders on the Home page that have the same name as a parent folder or any other folder, but not on the same level. One thing to note is that DESelect Segment is case-sensitive when naming folders so spelling the same name with different combinations of upper and lower case letters will create separate folders on the same level.
Confirm the setting
Once happy with the Selection name and the folder where you want to save it, select the radio button in front of Scratch and click on Save.
After this, you will see the menu with 3 steps: Selection Criteria, Target Definition, and Preview.
Selection Criteria
Here we select the criteria for our segmentation.
- Provide a name for your new Selection on the left-hand side before starting off with a new selection.
- Below you find a section: Available Data Extensions. Here you can find all the Data Extensions that are available in this business unit for this SFMC account. Also, you can search for Data Views here.
Note: All Data Views start with an underscore, so you can easily distinguish them from Data Extensions. Example: _Sent.
- Choose a Data Extension or Data View that you would like to filter on and drag-and-drop it to the right.
- You can provide an alias for your Data Extension or Data View at this moment for convenience purposes (the initial name of the data extension won’t be changed).
The moment your Data Extension appears in the Selected Data Extensions section, you can see that all the fields from the Data Extension are added in the section below called Available Fields.
Note: All the Available Fields are ready to use immediately
If you want to combine several data extensions follow these steps:
- Drag and drop the new Data Extension on top of the one on the right.
- Choose a relationship between the Data Extensions.
Next Step: How can you combine two Data Extensions?
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