YES! You can add your Synchronized Data Extensions into DESelect Segment.
You can send the FolderId of the Synchronized DE to the DESelect support team, and the team will handle the rest.
What is a FolderId?
FolderId is a unique identifier found in each and every Folder in your SFMC environment.
In which case I might need it?
There will be cases where you will need to provide the FolderId of a folder eg. in case you cannot access Synchronized Data Extensions in DESelect Segment and the support team does not have access to your account. In this case, where can you find it?
Refer to this video for a step-by-step guide, or follow the steps below:
- Go to Email Studio > Email
- Select the Subscribers tab > Data Extensions
- Open the Developer Console (in Chrome, Right Click > Inspect)
- Make sure the folder containing the Synchronized Data Extensions is visible on the left pane; otherwise, expand the required sections to see it
- On the top right, click on the Select Element icon (see screenshot # 1 below)
- Click on the Synchronized Data Extensions folder (see screenshot # 2 below)
- In the element selected in the Console, you'll see an element inside a tag, where there's a "categoryId" element (see the below screenshot - 3). In this case, the FolderId is the encircled element: 308639
- Provide this Folderid to the DESelect Support team with your organization name and BU number.
Related links:
What types of Data Extensions does DESelect Segment support?
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